
Birthday: March 19

Classroom Wishlist: Sterlite 6 pk black milk crates, 4 step folding step stool, sheet music for concerts (contact me for exact songs)

Shirt size (unisex): XL

Hobbies: Baking, Reading

Favorite Places to Shop: Target, Kohls

Favorite Sports and Teams: Any Wisconsin Teams

Favorite Color: Turquoise

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving

Coffee/Tea/Smoothie Order: Mocha Frappuccino, Chai Tea Latte

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper

Favorite Snack(s): Puppy Chow, Sunchips

Favorite Restaurant(s): Arbys, Raising Canes, Olive Garden

Favorite Food: Depends on the day!

Favorite Flower/Plant: Orchid, Succulents

Thank you, but I don't need any more of...Mugs/Cups