Sarah Gute

Birthday: October 13

Classroom Wishlist:

Shirt size (unisex): Medium

Hobbies: Golfing, card games, cabin time

Favorite Places to Shop: Target and Amazon

Favorite Sports and Teams: MN Gophers, MN Vikings

Favorite Color: Red and Pink

Favorite Holiday: My birthday :), Christmas, Valentines Day

Coffee/Tea/Smoothie Order: Chai Tea Latte

Favorite Drink: Sparkling water (Bubly, etc.)

Favorite Snack(s): Beef jerky, trail mix, Pop Corners

Favorite Restaurant(s): MC Taphouse, Clives, 5-8, El Toro

Favorite Food: Mexican, Italian, Pizza

Favorite Flower/Plant : All :)

Thank you, but I don't need any more of...mugs.