Jeanine Huberty

Birthday: May 24

Shirt size (unisex): L

Hobbies: Riding Bike, going to parks with my children who are 3 and 5.

Favorite Places to Shop: Amazon, Target, Teachers Pay Teachers

Favorite Sports and Teams: MN Teams

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Holiday: Christmas and Valentines Day

Coffee/Tea/Smoothie Order: Iced coffee with almond milk

Favorite Snack(s): Sour candy and chocolate

Favorite Restaurant(s): Malones, crave, or really anywhere. We love going out to eat at my house!

Favorite Food: Pizza, salads, sandwiches…I’m not picky!

Favorite Flower/Plant: Love a house plant, especially succulents

Thank you, but I don't need any more of....Regular Coffee mugs 😬