
Birthday: March 25

Classroom Wishlist: Fidgets

Shirt size (unisex): L

Hobbies: Reading, walking

Favorite Places to Shop: Target, coffee shops

Favorite Sports and Teams: Baseball, Softball,Cubs & Twins, Football-Vikings

Favorite Color: Yellow also red and blue

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Coffee/Tea/Smoothie Order: Carmal Macchiato, Crafted press vanilla, cold press w/ vanilla shot

Favorite Drink: Coffee, Water and Celcius

Favorite Snack(s): Tostitos &Salsa, peanut butter M&Ms, Popcorners, granola bars

Favorite Restaurant(s): Olive Garden, Any Mexican Restaurant, all Pizza

Favorite Food: Pizza, Mexican, and Italian

Favorite Flower/Plant: Orchid

Thank you, but I don't need any more of...candles