Scott Lund

Birthday: March 3

Classroom Wishlist:

Shirt size (unisex):L

Hobbies: Travel, fishing, hiking, fixing things

Favorite Places to Shop: Home Depot

Favorite Sports and Teams: Enjoy playing them not watching. Love student events!

Favorite Color: Blue and Green

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving

Coffee/Tea/Smoothie Order: Decaf Mochas with less chocolate

Favorite Drink: Water, Red Wines, Squirt

Favorite Snack(s): Cashews, Pistachios, anything Peanut Butter

Favorite Restaurant(s): Ruan Thai, Chianti Grill, Biaggis, 3 Squares, JD Hoyt's

Favorite Food: Filet and Seafoods

Favorite Flower/Plant: Gardenia, Lisianthus

Thank you, but I don't need any more of....magnets, keychains, mugs