Robin Moe

Birthday: Oct 16

Classroom Wishlist: 365 Days of Wonder by Palacio, Augie and Me by Palacio, board games like chess, connect four, uno, headbands, checkers, yahtzee or spot it, coloring books, Legos, Dust buster by Shark, fun colored Expo markers, fine point black sharpee markers, black felt tip pens,

Shirt size (unisex):XL

Hobbies: oil painting, reading, cook/bake

Favorite Places to Shop: target, amazon, walmart

Favorite Sports and Teams: Vikings

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Holiday:no preference; I like them all! I love to celebrate with loved ones.

Coffee/Tea/Smoothie Order:coffee, herbal tea and any smoothie flavor

Favorite Drink: coffee - any kind cold or hot

Favorite Snack(s): I love salty and sweet snacks like pretzels and chocolate

Favorite Restaurant(s): Olive Garden, Jimmy Johns, Subway, China Bowl Chow Mein

Favorite Food: salads, anything spicy, sushi

Favorite Flower/Plant : Daisies