
Krysta Wahl: IA working mainly with grades 3-5

Birthday: August 18

Shirt size (unisex): M

Hobbies: Exercise and listening to audiobooks

Favorite Places to Shop: Target, Amazon and Costco

Favorite Sports and Teams: Packers-I am grew up in Wi!

Favorite Color: Blues

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Coffee/Tea/Smoothie Order: Shaken brown sugar Oat-milk Espresso

Favorite Drink: Lacroix water and Olipop vintage soda

Favorite Snack(s): Gluten free (popcorn)

Favorite Restaurant(s): Crisp and Green, Nautical Bowls, Chipotle and Chick Fil A

Favorite Food: Salad or Kettle cooked plain potato chips 

Favorite Plant: Easy maintenance plants!